The purpose of the Official Jimmybass Website is bassically ( did you get it?...BASS-ically ) to provide me with a vehicle through which I can share my thoughts with the rest of the planet. I will also show pictures of some really cool basses, like those on my Home Page. There are two reasons why this website is so short: #1: We are UNDER CONSTRUCTION ( also UNDER PAID, UNDER STRESS, & UNDER APPRECIATED ); #2: I haven't had a thought in quite some time now. By the way, here's another one of those really cool basses I was speaking of:
1993 Gibson EB-750 Acoustic Bass
If you haven't figured it out by now, my name is Jim and I play bass guitar. I presently own a 1960 Gibson EB0 Bass, a 1967 Gibson EB2-D Bass, and two early 1970's Gibson Triumph (Recording) Basses. If I were not a typically destitute musician I would also own the basses I have already shown you.
If and when I get another thought, and can retain it while blindly navigating my way through cyberspace, I will post it here on the Official Jimmybass Website.
Here comes a thought now........wait, it's almost here........it's getting closer........OUCH!........the thought just hit me........What do you call someone who hangs around with musicians?........ A drummer!